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3D Printing

Want to commission me, but don't have anything for me to paint? Do you have a HeroForge or specific STL in mind and don't have the means to print it yourself? Feel free to message me about my printing services! You provide the STL and I'll do the prices.


Pricing may vary.


Quality Printing on Quality Machinery

I currently print my own miniatures on the incredibly reliable Phrozen Sonic Mini 4K. Printing at 35 µm resolution, I can get the crisp details that are needed to make a mini truly pop.


Have a miniature without supports? No worries. I can add those too.


Miniatures are washed and cured using the Anycubic Wash & Cure Station.


Like What I Do?

Commission me and help me buy an all new 3D printer and fancy fume hood so that I can do more of the work I love!


Don't have the money to commission right now, but still want to show your support? I have a Kofi!


With your support, I will have the money to purchase a brand new Phrozen Mighty 8K 3D printer and a fume hood so that I can print 24/7 without risking my health or the health of my cats!

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